Friday, November 19, 2010

Vocabulary Builder by Heather Sandberg 11/19/2010

1. chit- a receipt, voucher, or similar document of an informal nature (p.4)
2. factions- a group or clique within a larger group, party, government, or organization (p. xvi)
3. alluding- to refer casually or indirectly (p.5)
4. sweetmeats- sweet delicacy prepared with sugar and honey as candies and cakes (p.7)
5. rankled- to continue to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment within the mind (p.7)
6. coiffures- a head covering; headdress (p.8)
7. bereft- deprived (p.10)
8. mullahs- a title of respect for a person who is learned in, teaches, or expounds the sacred law (p.11)
9. pyre- a pile or heap of wood or other combustible material (p.16)
10. bourgeois- a member of the middle class who is a shopkeeper or merchant (p. 16)

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