Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Heather Sandberg: Graphic Organizer 11/24/10

This graphic organizer is all about Afghan weddings and the traditions that go along with it.  The top circle means that when the couple gets married they must look into a mirror at the same time to represent the first time they will look into each other’s eyes.  The right circle is a tradition that includes the bride and groom walking around two chairs and the bride must sit before the groom otherwise it means the woman will be in charge of the whole relationship, which is bad luck.  The bottom circle means that the couple must not show emotion at their wedding because it is a serious occasion, so they must only watch everyone else dance while they sit and stay quiet. Lastly the left circle is a tradition where the bride must hammer a nail into her and her groom’s new room to symbolize that she has nailed her destiny to the new house.

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