Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Melissa Stalowski: Summarizer 12/8/2010

In the final section of The Bookseller of Kabul, Tajmir and an American journalist travel throughout Afghanistan in search of information on Osama bin Laden. The author starts off the chapter by listing what Americans have done in Afghanistan in search for Osama bin Laden. Throughout the section, the author portrays the United States' involvement in Afghanistan in a negative way as she lists that their operatins have interrogated the Afghans, blown up their land, and killed innocent civilians. Tajmir and the American journalist, Bob, meet with opposing parties throughout Afghanistan and the American journalist reports his findings back to the United States. Back in Kabul, Leila continues to receive love letters from Karim. The author speaks of Karim as a character that could free Leila from her home life. Leila's home is compared to a prison and marrying Karim is an act that could free her from that prison and provide her with multiple opportunities. However, the family finds out about the romance and Leila is unable to marry Karim. At the very end of the book, Sultan's family has broken up and half of the family has moved in with Sultan's brother. Emphasizing the constant struggle that every member of Sultan's family faces every day in Afghanistan, the author ends the book with the line "Another little catasrophe in the Khan family" (288).

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